Friends of Tawd Valley

Join in to help develop the Tawd Valley Park for Fun, Exercise, Wildlife, Fishing, Photography, Art, Heritage, and more.

About Us

Friends of Tawd Valley (FoTV) is a community group ran by volunteers who are passionate about the nature and wildlife they have on their doorstep. The aim of the friends group is to promote and improve the usage of the natural asset of Tawd Valley to support the health and well-being of the community.

Tawd Valley Park

Tawd Valley Park is a hidden jewel in the heart of Skelmersdale and is widely regarded as the green heart of the town. It is a lush wooded valley providing opportunities for both wildlife enthusiasts and those looking for recreational activities to enjoy.


Join in to Help develop the Tawd Valley Park for Fun, Exercise, Wildlife, Fishing, Photography, Art, Heritage, and more.


Any litter removed from a natural ecosystem helps wildlife and creates a better space for humans too! Counteract litterbugs by being a litter picker. You don’t have to be on an organised litter pick to help, just pick up any rogue litter when you see it and pop it in the bin!

Balsam Pulling

The main method of non-chemical control of balsam, and usually the most appropriate, is pulling or cutting the plants before they flower and set seed. Conservation authorities regularly organise ‘balsam pulling’ work parties to clear the weed from marshland and riverbanks.

Tree Planting

The roots of trees hold the soil in place as it fights erosion that causes landslide. It also absorbs and store rainwater that helps reduce runoff and sediment deposit after the storms. It also helps recharge ground water supply, prevents transport of chemicals into streams as well as prevents flooding.

volunteers involved
metres of paths & cycleways to be improved/created
volunteer hours this year

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Its Been Awhile…

We haven’t had a blog update in awhile, and I know you guys and gals will be having FoTV withdrawal symptoms. So, here it goes…


Extra! Extra!

Wow! We haven’t had a catch-up in a while. So, there’s a lot to get through. Hold on tight… In a heart-warming ceremony in the