PRESENT: C. Cooper, D. Taylor, P. Meadows, M. Flaherty, R. Newby, C. Jones, E. Brookes, D. Brookes, D. Gibson
- Apologies – none
- Minutes previous meeting and matters arising- minutes of previous meeting – AGREED.
- Matters arising – any issues were dealt with via appropriate agenda item. The Tawd Valley Bio Blitz and Riverfly Survey 26/27th August had both gone very well despite the weather! The Bio Blitz identified species in the valley that we were unaware of. Participation of other environmental groups – including Liverpool Museum had worked really well and they reported back that the work FoTV have done in the valley is very impressive – AGREED.
- Chairs update – CC offered to help one of the committee members with an ongoing issue. Member reported there had been recent developments and thanked CC for the offer.
- Treasurers update – DT provided committee with current financial figures. Discussion around future funding bids – West Lancs CVS General Fund for local community projects taking bids up to 15th Nov. Need to decide upon a project. DB reported that an offer of heavy equipment for larger projects has been made by the WWT – We just need to contact them when necessary. PM is applying to JLR for £250 of funding which could be used for work being done in conjunction with the Ecu Centre. Co-op Bank volunteers could be involved with that work with FoTV – Update AGREED.
- Douglas Catchment/Wild Trout Trust update – MF reported that river kick sampling has come to an end for this year but that recent sampling has shown the water standard in R Tawd remains good. Sticklebacks have been seen in the river. Sadly non native American Crayfish are increasing their numbers in the river- not unusual as up to 80% are north west waters are infested with them. Discussion around advising anglers and fishermen/women to cleanse their fishing equipment and nets- Rangers involved with this issue as well. Not allowed to trap crayfish- if sighted location must be sent to Env Agency. Trout in the Town gold accreditation being sought- one of the things we would need to do to get that would be to provide fully audited accounts. Suggested we contact TVD to see if they could help with that. EB to contact TVD for a meeting. MF wanted thanks to be minuted to Sue Kenyon and Paul Black for their recent kind donations of sets of binoculars and cameras to FoTV.
- Upcoming Events- volunteers and arrangements in place for the following – Rotary Club Bat Walk- Sept 27th, 7pm, Foraging Walk- Oct 15th. MF to check whether that is going ahead, Apple Day Event- Oct 21st. Cancel event due to double booking with event at EHU, Bonfire Coffee Morning- 4th of Nov, combine with Volunteer Session, Rotary Christmas Float- 7th Dec – All present happy with the arrangements and available on the night
- Community Groups- Co op Bank has enquired about full day volunteering with FoTV. They have been contacted re a possible project but no date set as yet. Community Pay Back has enquired about working with FoTV- WLBC Ranger Service has been contacted about this by FoTV as not sure as to protocol when working with Offenders. Local Cub/Scout Group want to maintain link with FoTV- decided that dark nights not good for practical tasks but that they would be welcome to use the Classroom for Environmental/Nature studies. RMN happy to help with that and AGREED EB contact Cub Leader.
- Additional Committee Members/Roles- AGREED that any new member roles should be agreed by the next AGM in May.
- DT said he would like to set up a monthly group to use the Classroom for young people, up to age of 16 to become a Young FOTV set of volunteers. Members thought that was a great idea which should be developed.
- Date of next meeting- Tuesday October 17th 6pm start