The Friends of Tawd Valley are committed to creating an environment where participants, volunteers, learners, members, visitors and other stakeholders actively promote equality and diversity, tackle bullying and discrimination to ensure that all every person who comes into contact with our work has a positive, rewarding and inclusive experience.
Statement of Principles
The Friends of Tawd Valley seeks to provide a safe, supportive environment for all its members, volunteers and participants in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
- We welcome individuals and groups from local and regional communities.
- We value difference and diversity and will strive to create positive working relationships so that everyone can work and learn to the best of their abilities, free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
We recognise that prejudice and discrimination can exist both on an individual and an organisational level. The Friends of Tawd Valley will not tolerate individuals or groups being treated less favourably than others on the grounds of:
- Organisation within which they are employed
- Colour, race nationality ethnic or national origin
- Sex, gender, marital status, civil partnership or relationship, family status, pregnancy status
- Sexual orientation, or gender re-assignment,
- People with caring responsibility
- Disability
- Religion or belief (or lack of a religious belief)
- Trade Union membership
- Membership of a minority group
- Employment or study status
The policy applies to Group Members, contractors and service providers when working on FoTV projects or events.
The Friends of Tawd Valley work to ensure that:
- Equality of opportunity is embedded in all policies, practices, decision-making and evaluation processes,
- Impact assessments are completed where appropriate
- Encourage a diverse environment is created which values difference and raises aspiration
This policy was approved at the Friends of Tawd Valley committee meeting held on February 2022.