As the promising rays of spring’s sunshine slowly, but surely burn their way through the gloomy, black, wintery clouds, they begin to bring some much welcome light and heat to what has been a cold and wet landscape over the past few months. With that in mind, we take a look back at the last two weeks of the work that has been happening down in Tawd Valley Park.
We begin with Team Tawd and the WLBC Ranger Service as they continued with the follow on work that the Saturday volunteers had done the week before, which were further improvements on the drainage channels near to the orchard. The discovery of two newts in the scrape they dug out last year warmed their hearts on the dreary day, knowing their efforts had provided habitat for these fascinating creatures.
We continue are blog with a little celebration. Last weekend saw the Groundwork Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside.‘s Super Sam’s present our very own CJ and Tammy with their riverfly training certificates, along with giving a slide show presentation to cap off their course. It was then off down into the Valley for a Tawd walk and a riverfly kick sample of the Cobb’s Clough stream that flows into the River Tawd. Finds included freshwater invertebrates – Caseless Caddis and Stonefly nymph.
Next up, we have some exciting news coming out of the Ranger’s camp…
“We have CCNW on site at Tawd Valley Park this week. They’ll be working on a large section of river bank erosion and reinforcing the bank using natural materials. This will prevent the path falling into the river! They will also be installing kingfisher nest boxes.
During this time they’ll be backwards and forwards with small machinery along the path running alongside the river so please take extra care when using the site. The staff are super friendly so give them a shout as you approach to make sure it’s safe for you to come past”.
Heading down towards the south side of the park, Team Tawd and the Ranger Service were at it again on Friday, as they performed outstandingly getting on with clearing the paths of overgrowth, mud and leaves. Access has now been greatly improved in the area for park users. Check out the photos of the morning activities below:
As we bring this blog to a conclusion, we’d like to finish off this update with an important message…
Going forward can we ask all park users that have any Tawd Valley Park related queries, issues or emergencies, that they please contact West Lancashire Borough Council Parks & Countryside Ranger Service in the first instance. You can get in touch with them by telephone or email. Details below:
Phone: 01695 622794
We will of course be happy to answer any questions that directly involve us, such as our volunteer days and events.
Thank you.