We have begun preparations ready for the Friends of Tawd Valley volunteer day on the 4th September. Today, we have broken ground and dug out square turfs ready for the incoming trees to be planted on the day.
As you may be aware Friends of Tawd Valley are ready to restart their monthly volunteering sessions after the lifting of national lockdown restrictions.
Please pencil these dates into your diaries, as we are hoping these will be our upcoming volunteer days for the next few months:
September 4th
October 2nd
November 20th
On these dates, we will be mostly concentrating on tree planting with possible other activities being included.
The UK has the lowest tree cover of all other European countries and it is understood that trees are important for biodiversity, clean air, and combating climate change. Whilst Skelmersdale has substantial tree cover we have lost a fair number of trees and the associated bio-diversity due to an increasing number of housing developments.
We have already planted trees above the River Tawd adjacent to Glenburn Road, between Mill Lane and Yewdale, a hedge line alongside the path from Mill Lane to the Half Mile Fishing Lake, and of course the orchard below Summer Street.
As you may have seen on social media, land has started to be cleared north of the play park on Summer Street for potential house building. So, we submitted plans to the Countryside Rangers to offset the loss of trees and biodiversity in this area. We have been granted permission to extend the tree line outwards into the field from the play park across to the Yellow Footbridge.
So, this will be our main focus on the volunteer days above.
If you can help then please come down to the Summer Street play park on Saturday 4th September at 10 am, wearing appropriate footwear, bringing gardening gloves, a spade, and a mug (hot drinks available).
If you haven’t already registered your interest in this event, please do so on the event post also on this page.