PRESENT: C.Cooper, R. Newby, C. Jones, D. Gibson, D. Brookes, E. Brookes, M. Flaherty
1. Apologies were received from P. Meadows and D.Taylor
2. Minutes of previous meeting- AGREED as true account
3. Matters arising- Community Classroom open afternoon was a disappointing event with only 4 teachers attending. Re run maybe in new academic year. AGREED
4. Chairs Update- CC reported that the date of the Skem Show has been changed to August 13th but no firm details.Planning permission has been granted for 2 houses to be built on Summer Street which could affect the proposed running track/s for ParkRun and Skem Harriers. Further information is awaited but Cttee AGREED this was a disappointing development.
5. Treasurers Update- DT had forwarded current financial details to the Cttee. Report ACCEPTED.
6. WTT/DCP Update- MF reported that removal of the weir in the River Tawd was underway and when completed should mean more fish being able to swim up the R Tawd with all the knock on advantages to wildlife in the river. This development could lead to FoTV gaining Gold Accreditation from WWT and may also get a mention in the Fly Fishing Magazine- a national publication. An Information Board will be installed to explain why weir has been removed. Funding has been received via Upholland Rotary enabling purchase of a projector and screen. EB to send letter of thanks. MF THANKED for his report.
7. Teddy Bears Picnic July 8th- RN organising. Event will start at 10am and finishby noon. DG agreed to source several bears to hide in the Valley and children will be given clues as to where to find them. Picnic at the end will be held in the meadow by the Playground or Classroom if weather not good. Staggered website/Facebook announcementsFirst Saturday Volunteer Session will be Balsam Pulling and Litter Picking. AGREED
8. Green Fayre 22/23 July- volunteers to set up and take down will be needed plus others to man the stall through the 2 days. As well as info/membership forms we will get Raffle, Name the Teddy and photo sales on the stall. MF to source Teddy Bear prize with FoTV Logo and DG may be able to get hold of abadge making machine. Soft drinks and cakes will be sold to make some money for FoTV and hopefully there will be some plants to sell as well. AGREED
9. Official Opening of Community Classroom- CC reported that she had been told this was not going to be any time soon. Cttee AGREED this is extremely disappointing as the publicity from this would let the community know of the existence of the TVP and the Classroom as a facility for community use.
10. Classroom Cleaning Rota- carry on with “as and when” arrangement for now. When Classroom is open for lettings then a schedule will need to be drawn up.
11. Any Other Business- MF suggested we arrange a leaving gift for Ranger Amy who is about to set off on a year of travels. AGREED an amount for Cttee Members to donate and EB to sort the gift. Short discussion followed on looking at naming the new footpaths, buildings, cycle ways and different areas of the Valley to make it easier for the community to identify the different parts of the Tawd Valley. This would have to be in conjunction with WLBC.
12. Date of next meeting- Tuesday 18th July