PRESENT: C. Cooper, R. Newby, D.Taylor, E. Brookes, D.Brookes, M. Flaherty, P. Meadows
- Apologies- D. Gibson, C. Jones
- Minutes of previous meeting – AGREED as true record
- Matters arising – was covered by agenda items
- Chairs Update – CC advised nothing to report
- Treasurers Update – DT advised committee of current financial situation, which is quite good after recent fundraising successes (particularly the Clock Tower Rotary Club Santa’s Sleigh) and donations. AGREED that DT and EB attend at Burscough Tesco on Fri 19th January to publicise FoTV’s local fund bid that Tesco runs. DT thanked for his update
- Deputy Protection Officer – AGREED that DT be appointed to this role to assist the Protection Officer. EB also suggested that an AGM agenda item should be expressions of interest from members who would be interested in undertaking a new committee role of Equalities Officer. AGREED
- Health and Safety Measures- AGREED that we should have a form of words to be read out at beginning of every volunteer session. A draft form of words was AGREED and would be implemented at February session. Also AGREED that a Risk Assessment Form be completed before each session/event. The Travel First Aid Kit has also arrived and that will be carried by one of the committee first aiders during volunteer sessions and/or events.
- WTT/Douglas Catchment/Tawd Valley Strategy Group- MF updated committee on recent funding bids that had been successful and others in the pipe line. FoTV has been awarded £500 from W Lancs Community Chest and the money will be used for improvements to Houghtons Road Pond. American Mink have been seen in the Douglas Catchment area- report sightings. WTT Classroom Project- this year it will be Mayfly Project as thinking on suitability of Trout Project has changed. Mayfly Project only lasts 2 weeks and would get FoTV Gold Accreditation with WWT. Dalton St Michaels PS will be chosen school. Woodlands PS may get some left over trout eggs. Reported that a European Eel has been spotted in the Tawd- no photographic proof as yet. If true it is proof that fish are swimming up river after the removal of the weir. MF THANKED for his update
- FoTV Leaflets- EB reported that she is still waiting for W Lancs College Art Dept comes back to her about their students helping with the design of a new leaflet. Suggested that if that does not happen then maybe local primary schools could take part in a “competition” to create a leaflet. Maybe DG could be involved?
- February Volunteer Session Task/s- possibly hedge laying and/or footpath maintenance and drainage channel digging
- Next meeting agreed for 20th February 2024.