PRESENT: C. Cooper, R. Newby, D. Taylor, E. Brookes, D. Brookes, P. Meadows, M. Flaherty, C. Jones
ALSO PRESENT: WLBC Ranger Chris, T. Lake
TL reported to the committee that he had constructed a shelving unt for the newly installed storage unit. It should be able to hold most of the equipment and tools that are currently stored on the Classroom. DB suggested the unit be installed at the next Saturday volunteer session and any adjustments required could be done then.
TL was thanked for his work on this.
Ranger Chris was in attendance to update committee on developments within the valley:
- The river revetment work has started and will hopefully be completed by 23rd of Feb
- Work on the new Wetland by the Yellow Bridge within the coming month
- Classroom Lease is still with WLBC Legal Dept and will be some weeks before FoTV get sight of it.
- Bridge across the river, behind the Library, has been checked by structural engineer and it looks as though pilings will have to be installed before bridge is made safe.
- Installation of “new” Devils Steps is out to tender and steps could hopefully be in place by April. It will comprise 3 sets of steps with staggered landings to reduce steepness. It is hoped another set of steps will be installed by the Old Mill.
- FoTV were reminded to be aware of possible liabilities of work undertaken by the group. Advised that any work is always checked with Ranger Service to ensure task is suitable and without risk.
Ranger Chris was thanked for his contribution and advice.
Apologies – D.Gibson
Chairs update – CC said nothing to report.
Treasurer’s update – DT provided latest figures regarding FoTV finances and any funding we had received since last meeting. DT thanked for his update.
WWT/DCP update – MF reported that Half Mile Island fishing lake is not a suitable site for net dipping stations – too far away from road. So, some of the funding secured for this will be used for advisory signage and boot scraper station. Company sourced to design the education boards/signage. Funding for bird and bat boxes will be used for designs already shared with the committee. MF suggested the Classroom be used for an Anglers Seminar- AGREED. United Utilities are providing funding as part of their “Better Rivers, Better North West” project to community groups, charities, etc. One of the ideas thrown about could be to apply for funding for a leaky dam in the Valley. The existence of mink in the valley is a concern- MF has contacted a group in E Anglia who have undertaken an eradication project for their advice. Mayfly in the Classroom project will commence on March 11th– Dalton St Michael’s School will take part. This project will hopefully gain FoTV Gold Level accreditation with WWT. Thanks to Rose for recent donation of camera equipment to FoTV. EB reported a letter of thanks has been sent.
MF was thanked for his update.
Kingfisher Club- DT reported that a sub group meeting to make arrangements for the opening of the club will take place early in March. RN and DG will assist DT with the Club. Funding for materials will hopefully come from the Tesco Community Fund appeal which closes at the end of March.
Date of next meeting- 19th March.