It’s That Time Again…!

…It’s time to tell you about all the goings on down in Tawd Valley Park. We have finally recovered from our lack of sleep after the valleys first ever official bio-blitz, which as you all know from our last blog went swimmingly.

Let us start off with telling you all about the fantastic ranger service and the junior rangers event that they held down in Tawd Valley Park. We joined the rangers for their Wonderful Water Life event. The event welcomed and encouraged young children to discover what animals call the River Tawd home. The event, run by ranger Chris, was really informative and the kids loved it.

On the same day in another part of the park, Team Tawd got to work cutting the overgrown paths at the back of the library, as well as some pruning. I went down there the other day and it is now so much easier to access the pathways, Well done, TT.

Before I forget, all of us at Friends of Tawd Valley would like to say a big thank you for the very kind donations from Sue Kenyon for her gift of 3 pairs of binoculars and to Paul Black for his gift of another pair of binoculars too. The four pairs will make a fantastic addition during our FoTV events, volunteer days and future bio-blitzes. We really appreciate your generous donations.

Next up, Team Tawd and Ranger Chris were down by the old Cobb’s weir site last Friday. They got stuck in strengthening the new wooden fencing with steel wiring and also walked the Cobbs circular cutting back overgrown vegetation as they went.

On Saturday, the weather didn’t stop us and our hardy guests at our annual community riverfly event. We all got stuck in to discover what lives in the river Tawd. We had some great finds. Thank you to Groundwork Cheshire, Lancashire, Merseyside. and West Lancashire Borough Council Parks & Countryside Ranger Service for helping us with the event and thank you to the brave people who came out to join us. We hope you enjoyed it.

Lastly, we would like to remind our volunteers and followers that September’s Saturday Volunteering, just for this session, will be on the second Saturday of the month – 9th September.

The change is because the task will be working in the Community Orchard, but some preparatory work needs to be done by Team Tawd and the Rangers and that will probably not be completed until nearer the 9th of September.

Hopefully you will still be able to come along on the 9th and more information will be circulated nearer to the time.

That’s it for the updates from us. We really hope you enjoy our weekly blog posts. If you have any suggestions on how we can make our updates even better, then please do get in touch: Contact Us – Friends of Tawd Valley