To start us off – Our very own Cornelius Jones joined Groundwork CLM and WLBC Park and Countryside Ranger Service in some riverfly kick sampling at Elmer’s Clough. During their sampling they discovered the presence of Stonefly within this river Tawd tributary. The evidence found strengthens how important the cloughs of Skelmersdale really are to the biodiversity of the River Tawd and the Douglas Catchment as a whole.
This weekend, committee member Mike travelled up to Long Preston, North Yorkshire for Otter Surveying Training. The knowledge gained from the training will help in discovering if any otters may be recently present in the Tawd Valley Park or River Douglas. The data findings could then help in better understanding otters within the River Ribble catchments.
Last, but definitely not least, despite the wind and rain Team Tawd were out Friday preparing the ground for the latest batch of trees from The Woodland Trust, which are due to arrive in the next few weeks.