Moving forward FoTV would like to share our committee meeting minutes. This will help you better understand and keep you up to speed with what FoTV have been doing in-between volunteer and event days. Please see March 2023’s FoTV committee meetings minutes below and keep checking back monthly for future meeting minutes:
- PRESENT: Terry Lake, Mike Flaherty, Dave Gibson, Rita Newby, Cornelius Jones, Pete Meadows, Elaine Brookes, Don Brookes
- 1. Apologies were received from: C. Cooper, J. Maher, D. Taylor
- 2. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising EB reported that dates in April had been arranged with W Lancs College for working with students. DBS clearance had been clarified with the college. College to be contacted for time to drop off wood for students to make bat and bird boxes. TL to arrange meeting with TVD to discuss joint projects particularly a storage unit for the classroom. Building Services to do inspection of Classroom. AGREED. AGM will be held in the Classroom. Recent tree planting session very successful with 28 volunteers attending Minutes of meeting AGREED.
- Chair’s Report- much of Chair’s issues will be covered by agenda. TL did report that the load of stone recently donated to FoTV had been transported to Rangers HQ. Discussion around possible projects and volunteer sessions using the stone. REPORT ACCEPTED.
- Treasurer’s Report – in the absence of DT the committee ACCEPTED the accounts overview that had been forwarded to the committee. Acknowledgement that as a committee we need to be applying to more funding opportunities- reported that 2 or 3 are awaiting an outcome. Suggested we have a donation tin at all events we attend and also at volunteer sessions when refreshments are provided. AGREED.
- Wild Trout Trust/River Douglas Catchment Partnership Update- MF reported that the trout fry tank in Dalton PS is doing really well and being topped up with water from the Tawd- fish are thriving. DCP had cautioned about not putting too many “new” fish into the river and that maybe only 1 local school per year be part of the project. Damsel Fly Wetland- work on that to commence in the summer and the removal of the Tawd Weir will start in April. WTT doing a national publicity item about volunteer groups- FoTV will get a mention. FoTV could apply for funds to manage the Cloughs within TV Park which could lead to more volunteers getting involved. Need to work with the council on who gets the actual funding as council are responsible for the cloughs. AGREED.
- Tree Planting Timetable – W Lancs College – planting in Community Orchard toward end of April. Beaver Cubs Group- to plant hawthorn between Mill Lane and Fishing Lake.Rangers have approx. 400 trees for planting in the park area- TL to contact Dan M to confirm. AGREED.
- Classroom Arrangements- EB to organise a letter to go out week beginning 17th April inviting interested teachers to view classroom on May 10th. DG to contact SHARES Headteachers. Booking system ready to go online. Instructions and chemicals to be used for cleaning sinks and toilets to be obtained. Fire Detector/Extinguisher- contact Council. Cupboard/s to be installed in kitchen area- contact DT to clear the cost and then order. Tables provided for the classroom are not suitable- on line sale sites? PM to deal? AGREED.
- Calendar of Events- EB to contact CH for confirmation of all event dates for 2023. Events confirmed in addition to FoTV Volunteer Sessions and occasional events Coronation Weekend- Sunday May 7th Community Picnic and Bonfire, Beacon Park Monday May 8th, Tawd Valley Park, The Big Help Out Event- to encourage more people to become volunteers. FoTV to organise walks around the valley to show work done by volunteers and open up Community Classroom for viewing and refreshments. Local Scout Group to run Orienteering experiences in the valley. Saturday 17th June Armed Forces Day, Amphitheatre. Organised by Veterans Association and FoTV will probably have a stall Sunday 18th June, Dog Fest, Beacon Park. FoTV will have stall Sunday 2nd July Skem Show, Amphitheatre through to Town Centre. FoTV to have stall and may be help with setting up/closing down of event. Also may be asked to do marshalling of event for period of time. Sat/Sun 22/23 July, Green Fayre, Beacon Park- FoTV will have stall.
- AOB- None.
- Date of next meeting- REARRANGED to 25th April