FoTV Annual General Meeting Minutes ’23


There were fifteen FoTV Members in attendance plus Ranger Chris and Ranger Hannah from WLBC Countryside and Ranger Service.


1. The meeting was opened by the retiring Chair Terry Lake who thanked everyone for their attendance and was sure that the meeting would be a success.

2. Chair’s Report- TL reported that the last year had been very successful and thanked the Committee, Saturday Volunteers and the Ranger Service for all their hard work. FoTV now has a Service Level Agreement with WLBC regarding the running of the Community Classroom which means schools and community groups will be able to make use of the facility which will encourage more people into the Tawd Valley Park. Electricity and water now connected. TL said FoTV needs to get more volunteers involved and need to encourage volunteers with specific skills so that FoTV can develop expertise in Funding Bids, IT and Publicity. Whilst there have successful bids in the past- Lancashire Environment Fund, Whitemoss Fund, Lottery- the Group does need to raise more money. Health and Wellbeing is a key part of FoTV’s work and TL hopes that will be developed in the future. The Group has worked with local schools, West Lancs College and Local Scout, Cubs and Beaver Groups doing tree planting, litter picking, park maintenance etc with great success, which will be built upon. Mike Flaherty was thanked for his work with the River Douglas Catchment Partnership, River Ribble Trust and Wild Trout Trust in improving the water quality of the River Tawd. TL wished the next Committee luck in continuing with their good works and achievements in the coming year. There followed a gift presentation to TL for all his hard work over the last few years. It was noted that TL had given FoTV focus and that whilst there had been frustrations and obstacles along the way his determination has meant that FoTV is a strong unit and the work that has been done in the Valley is appreciated by large numbers of the local community. TL was also thanked by WLBC Rangers for all his help with tasks in the Valley.

3. Treasurer’s Report- Dylan Taylor spoke to the report that had been shared prior to the AGM. DT reported that money received through previous funding bids were used to part fund the Community Classroom- together with WLBC. Other monies had been raised during the previous year by having the FoTV stall at the Green Fayre, Jubilee Event and Dog Fest events. There had also been donations from individuals and Members of the Snack Factory Northern Soul Society. DT reported the Group had no debtors and had monies set aside for work that has already been identified plus running costs of the Classroom. However, DT stated that we need to seriously look at other funding opportunities as the money we currently have in the Bank will soon beswallowed up. DT was thanked for his report.

4. Election of FoTV Committee- as previously noted Terry Lake had indicated his wish to stand down as Chair. As there were no other expressions of interest the previous Vice Chair Claire Cooper was happy to take up the role of Chair for 2023/24.CC then presided over the election of the Committee for the coming year. That Committee is as follows Chair- Claire Cooper, Vice Chair- Rita Newby, Treasurer- Dylan Taylor, Secretary- Elaine Brookes, Social Media/Publicity- Mike Flaherty, Junior Members Rep- Cornelius Jones, Committee Members- Don Brookes, Pete Meadows, David Gibson, Associate Cttee Member- Jo Maher (Schools Adviser). CC thanked all the Committee Members for continuing on in their roles.


After a pleasant break in the evening sunshine those present were able to enjoy a fascinating presentation by Peter Gateley on the history of the Tawd Valley from the 1700s to the present day illustrated with historic maps and documents. Peter is also an expert Botanist and shared with the group the names of species of flowers, trees and fungi that thrive in the valley and the evidence that shows that the Valley is more than likely an ancient woodland. Peter also praised and thanked the work of FoTV over the last few years that had seen a vast improvement to the Tawd Valley Park. CC thanked Peter for his presentation. There being no further agenda items the meeting was closed.