Starting back at the beginning of the month, Friends of Tawd Valley joined the entire Douglas Catchment Partnership at the quarterly steering group meeting at our brand new classroom facility here at the Tawd Valley Park.
Organisations in attendance included Environmental Agency, Ribble Rivers Trust, WLBC Ranger Service, Groundworks, The Angling Trust, Canals and River Trust and many more.
All organisations get together to discuss how we can connect, better improve and maintain the river Douglas catchment. The partnership is a such an awesome group that work so hard to enhance the river Douglas and its tributaries and FoTV feel honoured and privileged to be part of it.
Next up, last Friday Team Tawd and Ranger Chris got together to manage some fallen trees within the Valley. The wood from the trees was used in the replenishment of the bug hotel at the the community fruit orchard. The group also prepared a trench ready to temporarily house trees we have received from The Woodland Trust. Well done to everyone involved. Great work.
Carrying on, it was a very busy morning last Saturday for FoTV volunteers – Multiple tasks included replenishing the bug hotel with wood materials, planting fox-glove near to the scrape and maintenance to the community vegetable patch. Thank you so much to all who attended. Fantastic job! We are nothing without our volunteers, but we need more!!! If you have some spare time and would like to help improve Tawd Valley Park, then please get in touch with us. The contact form is on this website.
The brown trout fry at Dalton St. Michaels School continue to do very well. Class two children have been adding amazing trout facts and excellent drawings of trout parr to their Trout in the Classroom working wall display this week. Well done to Dalton St Michael’s CE Primary School students. They are doing an amazing job in looking after the fish.
And a special shout out to Ranger Chris and Ste Brookes for delivering all the stone kindly donated to us for use in the valley. Thank you very much. We couldn’t have done it without you. Any ideas how the stone should be used are welcomed.
That’s all for now folks. Keep on coming back to stay up to date on all things Friends of Tawd Valley and Tawd Valley Park.