News Roundup

It’s been a while since we last dropped a FoTV update, so we have a lot to get through. Without further ado lets dive right in on all things Tawd Valley Park. Way back in mid-May, Team Tawds task, led by Ranger Chris, was the replacement of the steps adjacent to Houghton’s Road and leading … Read more

Recent Wildlife Sightings – 28/05/2024

It’s an exciting time in the Tawd Valley! First of all for some mammal sightings – our volunteers have recently been using a camera trap to watch wildlife, and it has been confirmed that both Roe and Fallow Deer are present within the Park. Furthermore, a number of Hares have returned, and the Grey Squirrels … Read more

Cake and Catch-up

We start off this mammoth update with Team Tawd as they proudly continue to expand, welcoming another volunteer into the ranks. Last Friday, the team joined up with Ranger Chris again to continue working on the willow spiling which will prevent further erosion of the river bank, provide fantastic habitat for fish and invertebrates and … Read more

Recent Wildlife Sightings – 25/04/2024

It’s been an exciting few weeks for the wildlife of the Tawd Valley Park. First up, and perhaps the most interesting species to report, a male Pied Flycatcher was found near Summer Street on April 10th – this species migrates to its breeding sites further inland around this time of year, after spending the winter … Read more

Cuppa Tea and Relax Time

We’ve had an exciting new venture start-up at FoTV and it has been unbelievably popular. It had an incredible turnout on its pilot day and its only going to get better as the months go on. We are of course talking about Kingfisher Club. Thank you to everyone who attended our first Kingfisher club the … Read more

Extra!!! Extra!!! Read all about it!

Wow! The weeks aren’t half flying by. We are into April already and the weather is now warming up and Tawd Valley Park is slowly waking from its wintery slumber. Birds are singing, bees are buzzing and frogs are croaking. But, before you head out to experience all this beauty for yourself, why not take … Read more

Valley Updates

Welcome back to another instalment to our blog section, which gives you up to the minute news and stories on what we’ve been up to in Tawd Valley Park. This weeks updates include, more path clearance, tree removal and further snippets from the Mayfly in the Classroom project up at Dalton St. Michaels Primary School. … Read more

Tawd Telegraph

Hello!!! Welcome back to another blog instalment from Friends of Tawd Valley. We’ve been busy, busy in the first half of March – School visits, forest creation, path clearance. Why not check it all out in more detail below. Last week was the start of the Mayfly in the Classroom project at Dalton St. Michaels … Read more

Tawd Roundup

Get prepared for this update by making yourself a brew and putting your feet up, because we’ve been up to quite a bit since the last catch up and there is a lot to get through. Are you ready? Lets do this… Lets begin our blog with the actions of Team Tawd and the Purple … Read more

Spring is in the Air!

As the promising rays of spring’s sunshine slowly, but surely burn their way through the gloomy, black, wintery clouds, they begin to bring some much welcome light and heat to what has been a cold and wet landscape over the past few months. With that in mind, we take a look back at the last … Read more